Before printing, I use the preheat utility. the extruders go up to about 230. The build plate gets to 110. Whenever I try to print out a file that came with the Makerbot SD card, the build plate stays at 110 throughout the printing and no parts of the print lift from the plate. However, if I try to print a model from Thingiverse or one that I created in Google Sketchup, as soon as the printing starts, the temp in the build plate begins to drop. Within a few minutes into the print, the plate temp drops to around 60. Eventually, the edges of the print start to lift from the plate.

When I spoke to Makerbot about this, they briefly mentioned some of the settings in the Thingiverse model might not have the right settings. However, they didn't tell me what settings to look for or how to correct them. I checked the Makerbot Desktop settings and I do have "heat the build plate" turned on. Then Makerbot suggested I upgrade to the newest firmware version (7.6) which I did this morning. Same problem. Anyone else having this problem? If so, have you found a correction?

