I haven't tried printing anything. I suspect I could get a usable print of a trivial object; for example, I was using a piece of wooden dowel rod (a simple cylinder) and that scanned well enough. But what's the point of doing something I know will work? I have played around with some of the STLs that are generated by FreeLSS, using instructions that Uriah Leggett posted to the Google+ group, and produced STL objects that looked something like the originals, but nothing that was good enough to be worth printing. I suspect that I'll need to both refine the scanner and improve my meshlab abilities before I'm printing anything.

There's also a pair of issues with the Pi camera running at 5 megapixels, which is the resolution that I'd really like to be able to use; in video mode the image is cropped to the center of the view, which doesn't work at all on the scans, and in still mode the two lasers produce significantly different results that can't be merged. I suspect both of those are software issues but I don't know nearly enough about C++ to even find where that stuff is happening in the code, much less fix it. That will have to wait for more people to have scanners and be filing bug reports.