Hi, brand new to the world of 3D printing, so please be kind!

I have spent the last week researching printers, and I think I have settled on a Makerfarm Prusa i3v. The design looks good, manufacturer support looks good and there seems to be an active user community.

I definitely like the idea of building the kit rather than just plug and play, I plan on getting the Heaxagon Nozzle for 1.75mm filament, I really couldn't get and feeling for 1.75mm vs 3mm in the research.

One thing I would like to do is colour the wooden frame, what is the best approach, spray paint of wood stain. The end colour will likely be black. Is it possible that the liquid stain could cause warping issues?

On the 12" kit I notice that there is a choice of RAMPS vs RAMBO vs RUMBA electronics, but I am not sure what the different versions offer.

Finally, although I suspect that the 8" model will support my needs, I would be happy to go to either the 10" or the 12" as I am sure that as I progress the extra capability may be useful. The only concern I have is the rigidity of the larger models, should I be concerned?

Thanks for any input
