No plastic printer is going to make the sort of bullet-proof parts you want, and especially not a FFF (hot plastic extrusion) printer, which is all you'll find in your stated price range. The objects you'll get from one of them have decent strength along the horizontal plane they're printed on, but poor strength between the laminations. Your best bet would be to use the printer to make a model, then clean it up, make a mold, and cast it in a material that has a chance of resisting that 300 fps impact, probably a semi-flexible urethane.

As to the EZ3D Phoenix, it doesn't seem large enough to print your product. If all you want to make is this one thing, it seems you'd be better off sending the model out for printing, rather than investing in a printer. Try pricing it at Shapeways or Sculpteo; you'll get a better model, the right size, with less finishing required, and none of the hassles of operating and maintaining a 3D printer, which shouldn't be underestimated.

Andrew Werby