I would like to share some thoughts on foodsafety for this kind of 3D printed products.
As far as I know there are several filaments that comply to US and EU regulations (ColorFabb XT-copolyester being one I've used already) .. mostly these regulations are about the migration of chemicals from the actual object to the food it is getting in contact with.
The EU law - I'm from Belgium - prescribes that these migration tests need to be done on the final product made from a material. The question how these tests should be performed on one-of-a-kind 3D printed objects has been raised but stays unanswered so far ..
But test have been done on the filament material itself leading to a positive result meaning the material is foodsafe from a chemist' point of view. For me that is safe enough

Then there is the issue about cleaning the 3D printed object. You can't put it in a hot dishwasher or hot enough water because it will deform. And there's a lot of microstructures in the 3D printed object "cooties" love to inhabit and grow.
How would you tackle this?

My company is seriously thinking about selling 3D printed food-related gifts and I am very cautious about possible health issues that might arise.
Has anyone any experience with this?