To me the word "civilised" means "able to overcome the urge to obey the natural selection urges by application of rules or other means"

It's a long winded explanation but if you think about it then I think you will agree with me.

Sadly societies where the biggest / strongest / fastest / most aggressive always win are actually sending us back down the natural selection route which is not ideal.

The aggression of fanatics of any age but particularly that shown by young males of any species have been an absolute necessity for human survival but we are now (hopefully) at a stage where we can move away from that and evolve to become something that could never happen by natural selection.

It is a very difficult thing to do, the aggression has to go somewhere, just making laws about it does not remove the urges or need that people feel and this is the problem of governments. Some realise that it is very difficult to legislate and some think that the legislation is enough to secure adherence without considering the outcome. This is where Australia and possibly Canada have the edge. In my opinion Australia is going to take the world into the next step while the rest of the world make petty rules and have stupid arguments about how bent bananas and cucumbers are to justify their six and seven figure salaries.

You can make as many laws as you like saying men are the same as women or that natives from Africa are the same as natives from England and what you end up with is a situation where I am allowed to say "that guy form Ethiopia is a brilliant runner" but I am not allowed to say "that guy from the UK is a crap runner" because we are now all the same. Women do not swing pick axes as well as men, no one does mathematics as well as Pakistanis, no one runs like the Eastern African natives but legally we are all the same.