Quote Originally Posted by -willy- View Post
How can you stay in business if your offering your services for free? Everything has a cost and it must be paid. There is overhead, workers wages, insurance, and a whole slew of other things. No I dont see myself wanting to use your company either, but it is a interesting concept.
Hi Willy,

This is Baha from MakePrintable, I am a co-founder of the company and I totally understand your standing but our business model is based mostly on enterprises or intensive use, we will only charge after a certain amount of uses per month and for certain advanced fixes, this way we can promote our service by actually letting people use it and showing the value instead of wasting a lot of money on marketing. we are a business of course and we need to get revenues in order to sustain and this is why we want adoption and we only monetize on 5-10% of the users who are actually making living out of 3D printing such as businesses this way if you only want to fix for consumer printers or if you only do few fixes per month then you can enjoy the service for free and we will be able to sustain out of subscriptions and licensing to businesses using our services to reduce the cost on their end, this way everyone is a winner!