Turns out that this might be a hoax of some sorts.

Citron research has released a report stating that Organovo is nothing but a fluff company:
Citron Issues URGENT Trading Warning to the Public
regarding Organovo.

At the present moment, Organovo (NYSEMKT:ONVO) is a highly speculative company in biotech
which has been swept up in the mania for 3D printing stocks. ONVO has been spinning a story
that its technology would allow the “bio-printing” of replacement organs.

Admittedly this “story” has sizzle but that is where it stops. Citron is not going to waste readers
time rehashing the arguments that have been made tirelessly by writers showing that
Organcovo is nothing but fluff and the technology discussed by the company is 10 years away
and they are not even the most credible player in the space, even when compared to the
accomplishments and strategic partnerships of companies with 1 / 100th
of ONVO’s current
market value.

Here is some of the great research done by others on Organovo:




Citron cannot think of a stock with this high market cap and so little institutional ownership or
analyst coverage.

Citron notes that biotech funds are some of the sharpest research guys out there. And not a
single one appears here.
The entire document can be found at http://www.citronresearch.com/wp-con...lert-final.pdf