Ah, well, i don't have a MakerFarm i3. Its a Schufco kit and as far as component quality goes I've been very happy with it all and generally had a trouble free experience.

I haven't used a gcode viewer other than the one in repetier host but what you're saying about slicer limiting speeds definitely makes sense. And the same goes for DEFAULT_ACCELERATION values, I've noticed that cranking it up really affects the travel movements where as turning down max acceleration didn't seem to make a difference... The way i thought of it is that the default acceleration is the minimum acceleration and max is maximum.

So think what i will try next is maybe decreasing the travel speed but increasing acceleration so that the travel moves are a bit slower at faster acceleration setting. Set at 4000, some of the travel moves are almost too fast for the eye to follow but the y motor skipped once. In my limited experience there has been a few counter intuitive setting/effect relationships so i wouldn't be surprised if acceleration vs ripples is another one .