Quote Originally Posted by jimc View Post
omg i have a knot in my stomach looking at that. i would go nuts. maybe its due to my time in the military but i have that belief of "a place for everything and everything in its place" burnt into my brain lol.
I'm sort of with you but not entirely. I'm OCD about certain things (like making sure the kitchen knives have their handles pointing in the same direction in the block or always using the same kind of pen) but a place for everything. etc. etc. to me just means that everything has a place. It doesn't mean that that place is neat and tidy looking. My fiance and I get into this all the time (jokingly). Whenever I have projects going on I tend to leave stuff all around. To her it's a giant cluttered mess, to me it's everything I need within easy reach. I know where everything is because everything is where it needs to be. Of course with longer term projects she eventually gets sick of the mess and gathers it all up into a pile and that's when things go awry. The project will come to more or less a stop because while I know everything is in that pile, I don't know WHERE in that pile the specific thing I need at that moment is. That leads to digging through looking for it instead of making progress. Same with the next thing I need and so on. As I find them they go back to their place where I need them to be and where I know I can find them later when needed.

Now MJ's spot is definitely a bit worse than mine typically is and I would certainly have a chuckle with him about it but unless he's losing stuff all the time I would just assume he's like me and knows exactly where every little thing is in all that.