Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
Basically, after 8 weeks, I decided that I could not overcome both the difficulties in communication, the price inconsistency and also the lack of care factor for a legitimate order of several dozen machines, lead me to basically give up on them - a very similar experience to Reprap.cn.
There is absolutely tons of this here. The people doing sales in these companies are nearly always English majors with no sales experience, very little knowledge outside of English in general since it is such a difficult language for Chinese to learn. There are also cultural differences too huge to get into.

While great at a lot of things, Chinese are simply lousy at overseas sales, marketing and support- and there is absolutely nothing on the horizon that shows this will change anytime soon. Yes- they do sell massive quantities of goods overseas but the process is incredibly labor intensive and inefficient (which they are ok with because their time is cheap- even if yours is not). Afinia and Dremel have been able to capitalize on this- heck every major toll manufactures capitalizes on the inability of China to market the products they manufacture. So even though Chinese printers are overtaking Western ones (sorry I use both) there’s still quite a lot of opportunity. Well, that is if you are very, very patient...