Perhaps this forum is mostly for people who own 3D printers; let me know if there's somewhere else I should look.

I want to get a general idea of pricing for small printed objects, perhaps intrinsic cost plus typical markup from a service bureau (or whatever term is used for 3D print shops). I'm interested in selling some custom parts on eBay or etsy, so need to know rough manufacturing cost to see if the business is at all feasible.

I'm sure pricing varies widely by complexity, material, size and quantity ... a small chart/table with representative costs would be great.

e.g. here's a very basic piece: a log!

What would that cost at 1" long, 2" long, 4" long? What's the discount for qty 10 or qty 100? Maybe there's also a good/better/best material or process (suitable for a toy) that is a multiplier on the entire cost?

To get some idea of variation by complexity, is something like a mushroom any different?

Or, a simple fighter-like spaceship?

I certainly don't expect forum members to have exact data, but any sample cost numbers are welcome -- plus contacts at 3D print shops who might provide general info rather than just a quote based on one specific set of specs. (I'm in the USA so small volume would probably have to be done here to be worthwhile, but otherwise I'm open to quotes from anywhere.)

