Finished code:


difference() { //removes cylinder from entire ducttaped model

union() {
cylinder (d=20,h=40);
translate([0,0,40]) cylinder(d1=20, d2=1, h=20);

hull() {
translate([-1,0,0]) cube([2,25,0.1]);
translate([-5,0,40]) cube([1.5,0.1,0.1]);

//second fin
rotate([0,0,120]) {
hull() {
translate([-1,0,0]) cube([2,25,0.1]);
translate([-5,0,40]) cube([1.5,0.1,0.1]);
} //end of rotate

//third fin
rotate([0,0,240]) {
hull() {
translate([-1,0,0]) cube([2,25,0.1]);
translate([-5,0,40]) cube([1.5,0.1,0.1]);
} //end of rotate
} //end of union to stitch the whole model together
cylinder (d=16,h=38); //removes hole for rocket motor
} //end of difference to remove hole for motor

Now to make this more elegant we could do a number of things. Make the rocket fin a module. Add variables for rocket height, diameter, notor chamber size and fin offset.

But that's not necessary if we just want one rocket once :-)

You'll notice I add comments to the } brackets so that I have some idea what the bloody things are for.
Good habit to get into.

The hull command can be used to make pretty much any shape you like. Have a play :-)