lol - nah, game is cheaper, healthier and once you've done a few, the processing is no big deal.
It's also the cleanest and most human way of killing something.

I use pigeon breast for a lot of dishes where you'd use good and expensive steak.

Buy a goose in the shops and it'll cost you upwards of £35
The one we've currently got didn't cost anything bar a little processing.

The other night I spent a couple of hours deboning a big muntjac deer. Ended up with 2x3lb haunch joints, 2x2lb shoulder joints, couple racks of ribs, about 2lb fillet (that alone would have cost more than I paid for the whole deer) and about 3lb scraps I'll use in sausage and burgers.

Total cost= £30 and a couple hours of my time.
Like I said the fillet alone would have cost more than that from a butcher or shop.

Game is not only good for you, it's really good for your wallet :-)