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  1. #1

    Is it worth waiting a year to buy a 3D Scanner?

    I keep going back and forth. I want to get a 3D Scanner, but I keep hearing that most of the scanners out there right now are not really up to par. I've heard they are all pretty slow and don't really get much detail. At the same time, 3D Scanners are relatively new with the most famous one (The Digitizer) just being released this year. I can't help but think that within a year or so there will be a lot better scanners out there on the market. Do you guys agree, or do you think it will take longer than a year to see any improvement in 3D Scanners?

  2. #2
    Good question, but I doubt you will get a 100% full proof answer. Just like all other technology, it is constantly advancing, and getting better. Prices are constantly coming down, speeds are increasing and quality is getting better. I would say, that if you don't absolutely need a Scanner, now, it is probably safe to say that the next generation will see vast improvements (especially with the Makerbot digitizer). However, we don't know if that next generation is 1 year off or 5 years off. I, myself am waiting because I think the current scanners are too slow for current technology.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    I'd wait a bit to be honest, the solutions out right now are not all that great, and makerbots is just too small.. Im waiting for a cheap hand held 1080p scanner (say $250 or under) which I don't think is that far off.

  4. #4
    Technician ImaginationProgress's Avatar
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    If you can afford a scanner, and it's not going to put you in the hole, I would suggest getting one now. If you don't "REALLY" need it or if you can barely afford it, I would suggest waiting. They are only going to get better and become cheaper. However that is what happens with all Technology. You could say at any moment you want to wait for a better piece of technology at a better price. You can always say this, and it is always true. Technology will improve and become more affordable. There has to be a point when you decide to get one though

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