Quote Originally Posted by sully777 View Post
Using ABS, nozzel temp is 220, bp temp is 110. Object fill 50, Layer hight .27, shells 2, feedrate 40,travel feed rate 55
If its printing lines then spitting out blobs then printing more lines... then blobs... try just upping your printing temperature, ABS really likes 225c or above, I find 220 is not hot enough for most of mine, some PLA I have even goes that high but ABS generally, 228c or 230c.

ABS is not as forgiving as PLA. PLA can print in a massive temperature range - with variations of 50c in some circumstances. ABS.. no. ABS really only has a 5-8c lower tolerance and above 230c, really I wouldn't print ever hotter than 235c .. unless i'm flushing the nozzles out at 250c.

If the line issue is more of a -- the lines are OK but massive spaces inbetween them, that's generally your bed levelling.


Before you do any of that. What does your plastic look like when it extrudes from the extruder? is it a nice perfect fat line that extrudes straight down into a neat slinky shape?

if not, nozzle might be slightly clogged, this also causes those lines/blobs/lines