I dated a girl years ago who's father was English (Welsh to be specific),
lmao - that right there shows a MASSIVE misunderstanding of the uk.
the welsh pretty much hate the english. The english still have statutes on the books that allow welsmen to be shot with longbows in certain cities.

It's like calling a canadian an american - they get extremely upset !
I've seen canadians practically start fights with people who accuse them of being american.

You could get away with saying her father was british - that covers just about everyone. But under no circumstances accuse a welshman of being english or an englishman of being welsh :-)

The other thing I've found - and is illustrated in the preceeding posts, is that americans are extremely defensive of their choice to not be an american first and foremost.

At the end of the day you're actually NOT scots or irish or whatever nationality you claim.
Had a guy join the food forum I'm on. said he was a scot. So I asked, 'are you american scots or actually scottish ? '
He got quite snippy - but it's a genuine question.

The difference is that if he were actually scottish there's 2000 years of cultural enmity he and I shared, with any amount of in-jokes and banter, none of which exists between an englishman and an american who wants to be scottish.

So while it makes perfect sense for an american to claim a seperate nationality to another americcan - to the rest of us (you know everyone, not an american) it's just weird :-)