Quote Originally Posted by jakers181008 View Post
Changed the board to what you have suggested, and the beeping has stopped i repeat THE BEEPING HAS STOPPED. thank alot

Also there still is no error on the LCD still says "Mendel is ready"

but when connected to pronterface, still getting the :

echo:SD init fail
Let's ignore the SD init fail for now. Does the smartpanel otherwise seem to function OK? You should see the value next to F/R change as you rotate the knob. Pressing the knob should send you down into the menu tree. If the printer thermistors are hooked up properly, your room temperature should be showing up as the left side of the two pairs of numbers at the top of the screen.

EDIT: Actually, running a quick test with Pronterface here I see the SD init fail will occur if the SD card isn't plugged in, so what you're seeing is likely normal.