While at-home 3D printing is an impressive technology, it's still new enough to not be perfect. Most of the issues remaining to be worked out for desktop 3D printers regard detail, but the technology is improving every day. FormLabs, which makes the SLA market-leading Form 1+ 3D printer, would probably be pretty happy with a new, highly detailed, incredibly impressive model just made using their printer. Jason Spiller used designs from Czech modeler Stanislav Klabik to 3D print a model of Batman that rivals any traditionally-made figure. Spiller modified Klabik's design to be "3D print ready," then printed it in pieces on his Form 1+ printer. He assembled the pieces, painted them in exquisite detail, and shows us all that at-home 3D printing can be really impressive. See more: http://3dprint.com/22484/3d-printed-batman-form1/

Below is a photo of the 3D printed Batman: