@bongodrum I agree with your post here, especially about makers and 3D print enthusiasts being turned off from the brand, I don’t know a single person from these groups who is happy with MB’s current line up (plenty are happy with their gen 4’s and below, I am one).

I think this goes even further though and quite frankly has more potential for harm. Right now the people that I know of that are actually buying gen 5 machines are those that are new to 3D printing. They know Makerbot, because let’s face it, it is certainly the biggest name in the consumer grade 3D printer world, and they have sat around long enough and finally have decided to invest their money in this technology. And instead of getting the plug and play machine that they believed they were going to get, they get a machine that is already more complicated and presents more problems than 3D printing already presents. So now they are turning away the next generation of adopters, because quite frankly they don’t know any better. They believe they are paying top of the line dollars for a sound machine that is far from sound.

Also this is happening.

Quote Originally Posted by bongodrum View Post
but I've realized that I might be doing others a disservice by not reporting on my experiences as they unfold.
I know person after person who is “giving MB” a chance to make it right, I mean honestly who wouldn’t after spending that kind of money, but by not letting others know of the problems, we are allowing a crappy company to continue pulling the wool over the eyes of new adopters. We need to get the message out there and THEN they will hopefully start to change.