Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
Rofl on the toilet paper tube spool. Anyway, I will probably cut somethig out on the laser cutter. Faster and easier than printing.

Quote Originally Posted by GOC View Post
- That type of honesty is rarity these days. Its nice to know there's still some hope for humanity.
Its just how I play. Its how I was raised. I don't take whats not mine. If I give my word, I had better have a damn good explanation why I didn't keep it because the reliability of my word is more valuable to me than any physical thing. If I tell my granddaugters I will do something with or for them, they can pretty much etch that in stone. That kind of trust is earned and re-earnd with every promise kept and lost entirely with every promise broken. Nobody remembers the promises you kept, only the ones you broke.

I insist on that from others even if sometimes it makes me into the bad guy. If you say you will do something, then do it or give me a damn good reason why not. The shipping said 5-10, not 10-20 days. I only expect what I paid for and expect delivery when they said it would be. If it had said 10-20, I would not have been nearly as disgruntled. Or if they contacted me and told me the plane carrying the packaged crashed and burned, well, same result. Neither happened. The package wasn't delivered when quoted, nor do I know why.

The filaments are here. They refunded the money. As far as I am concerned, these are their boxes until they say otherwise. It simply would not be right to treat it any other way. If they wish me to return them, so be it.