Well, I for one have been very happy with my late 2013 wood-version Simple, although it has been modified quite a bit over the past year I've been using it, and is about to become even more "Borgified", thanks to a major custom redesign effort I've recently embarked on (70% of the wood structure will be replaced, changing out the 8mm hardware for 12mm, adding dual-precision GT2 belt drives and a 1-square foot Lexan bed to it, among other upgrades). I actually posted these pics in another forum here as I just ordered a Makerfarm 12" Prusa i3v, but I thought I'd share them here as well. These are some of the cool models I've created with my [modified] Simple:

Mk2 Viper.jpgD7.jpgEagle Transporter.jpgMicro Falcon.jpgLots O stuff.jpg