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    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Saving G29 Bed Level Correction Matrix to EEPROM

    Several people have expressed an interest in not having to perform a G29 Auto Bed Leveling command prior to each print. This post has the instructions to do that. However, it has not been tested yet. My printer's power supply died and it will be a while until I can replace it. The changes and theory are fairly simple, but with that said, when this many trivial changes get made, usually something doesn't work right. If you proceed with that warning and run into a problem, just make a post detailing what is wrong and I'm pretty sure we can get the problem fixed.

    The theory is simple. The EEPROM (if enabled in Marlin's Configuration.h file) can save many settings that override the default settings. The changes we will make will stop the G28 homing command from resetting the Bed Level Correction Matrix. Instead, we will only do that when a G29 command is issued. Once this is accomplished, we just need to add a small amount of support to the EEPROM routines to make them smart enough to save and restore this matrix besides all of the other values they already save and restore. And of course, we add some code so the matrix can be printed out also.

    To use the code, the user would first issue a M502 (Restore Default Settings) command followed by a M500 (Save Current Settings to EEPROM). This is necessary to do once because the format of the data stored in the EEPROM is going to change. By doing a M502 followed by a M500 command we are forcing the EEPROM to conform to the new data format which includes space for the Bed Level Correction matrix. Failure to do this is going to result in your printer restoring all kinds of bad values from EEPROM into important variables that it uses to behave in a sane and rational way.

    Once the EEPROM is made aware of the new configuration, you need to issue a G28 followed by a suitable G29 command and if the values work as expected, an M500 command. From then on, you will only use the G29 command if you don't see the first layer going down perfect. The M500 will store the Bed Level Correction Matrix so the next time the Marlin firmware initializes itself, it will grab the last saved matrix.

    To make the firmware changes do the following:

    In Configuration.h find:

    #define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line)
    #define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST  // If not commented out, Z-Probe Repeatability test will be included if Auto Bed Leveling is Enabled.
    In order to do this in a fully legitimate manner, we need to be able to control whether the feature is turned on or not. This will be required to get these enhancements folded back into the main code base. Change this code to:

    #define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line)
    #define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST  // If not commented out, Z-Probe Repeatability test will be included if Auto Bed Leveling is Enabled.
    #define SAVE_G29_CORRECTION_MATRIX  // if not commented out and the EEPROM is used to save settings, the G29 information will also be saved.
    In Marlin_main.cpp find:
    case 28: //G28 Home all Axis one at a time
        plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity();  //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data)
    We don't want the G28 to reset our Bed Level Correction Matrix anymore. We want it left alone when the printer is Homed.
    Delete the last 3 of those lines so you only have:
    case 28: //G28 Home all Axis one at a time
    We do want the G29 to start with a reset Bed Level Correction Matrix. This used to happen because a G28 is always issued prior to doing a G29. But with the G28 not clearing the matrix, we need to do it in the G29 now. Find the following lines:

        case 29: // G29 Detailed Z-Probe, probes the bed at 3 or more points.
                #if Z_MIN_PIN == -1
                #error "You must have a Z_MIN endstop in order to enable Auto Bed Leveling feature!!! Z_MIN_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin."
    Add the line deleted after them. Change them to be:
        case 29: // G29 Detailed Z-Probe, probes the bed at 3 or more points.
                #if Z_MIN_PIN == -1
                #error "You must have a Z_MIN endstop in order to enable Auto Bed Leveling feature!!! Z_MIN_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin."
                plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity();  //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data)
    We need to make the bulk of the changes in ConfigurationStore.cpp. This is the file that handles the functionality of saving and restoring values from the EEPROM. Find:
    void Config_StoreSettings() 
      char ver[4]= "000";
      int i=EEPROM_OFFSET;
      EEPROM_WRITE_VAR(i,ver); // invalidate data first 
    Now when a M500 command is given, we want it to store the Bed Level Correction Matrix. Change this code block to:
    void Config_StoreSettings() 
      char ver[4]= "000";
      int i=EEPROM_OFFSET;   
      EEPROM_WRITE_VAR(i,ver); // invalidate data first 
    And of course, we need to be able to get those values back out of the EEPROM when the printer resets and the firmware re-initializes itself. Find:
    void Config_RetrieveSettings()
        int i=EEPROM_OFFSET;
        char stored_ver[4];
        char ver[4]=EEPROM_VERSION;
        EEPROM_READ_VAR(i,stored_ver); //read stored version
        //  SERIAL_ECHOLN("Version: [" << ver << "] Stored version: [" << stored_ver << "]");
        if (strncmp(ver,stored_ver,3) == 0)
            // version number match
            // steps per sq second need to be updated to agree with the  units per sq second (as they are what is used in the planner)
    Change it to:
    void Config_RetrieveSettings()
        int i=EEPROM_OFFSET;
        char stored_ver[4];
        char ver[4]=EEPROM_VERSION;
        EEPROM_READ_VAR(i,stored_ver); //read stored version
        //  SERIAL_ECHOLN("Version: [" << ver << "] Stored version: [" << stored_ver << "]");
        if (strncmp(ver,stored_ver,3) == 0)
            // version number match
            // steps per sq second need to be updated to agree with the  units per sq second (as they are what is used in the planner)
    Just to be clean, we want to fully support the M502 command to reset everything to a default state. Setting the Bed Level Correction matrix to unity makes sense. Find:
    void Config_ResetDefault()
        float tmp1[]=DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT;
        float tmp2[]=DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE;
        long tmp3[]=DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION;
    Change it to:
    void Config_ResetDefault()
        float tmp1[]=DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT;
        float tmp2[]=DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE;
        long tmp3[]=DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION;
    And of course, we want to be able to print out all the settings in the EEPROM. So we need to teach it how to display the Bed Level Correction Matrix that it has stored for us. This command is invoked with the M503 command. Probably the spacing and new lines are not going to be right on this initial code. If it looks horrible, please make a post showing what it looks like and we can make a quick change to fix it. Find:
    void Config_PrintSettings()
    {  // Always have this function, even with EEPROM_SETTINGS disabled, the current values will be shown
        SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Steps per unit:");
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("  M92 X",axis_steps_per_unit[0]);
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Y",axis_steps_per_unit[1]);
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Z",axis_steps_per_unit[2]);
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" E",axis_steps_per_unit[3]);
    Chang it to:
    void Config_PrintSettings()
    {  // Always have this function, even with EEPROM_SETTINGS disabled, the current values will be shown
        SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Steps per unit:");
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("  M92 X",axis_steps_per_unit[0]);
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Y",axis_steps_per_unit[1]);
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Z",axis_steps_per_unit[2]);
        SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" E",axis_steps_per_unit[3]);
        plan_bed_level_matrix.debug("\n\nBed Level Correction Matrix:");
    Good luck!
    Last edited by Roxy; 11-01-2014 at 08:39 AM. Reason: Allow Configuration.h to select whether correction matrix is saved.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    I have printed omitting the G29 on the kossel, and to be honest for the few seconds it takes to perform the point check, I think I'll stick with it. I remove the glass plate alot so saving the g29 codes or re-using them might be bad for me on the kossel.
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
    I have printed omitting the G29 on the kossel, and to be honest for the few seconds it takes to perform the point check, I think I'll stick with it. I remove the glass plate alot so saving the g29 codes or re-using them might be bad for me on the kossel.
    I agree... I'm not actually going to have this active in my firmware. But some people really want it! So here it is!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
    I have printed omitting the G29 on the kossel, and to be honest for the few seconds it takes to perform the point check, I think I'll stick with it. I remove the glass plate alot so saving the g29 codes or re-using them might be bad for me on the kossel.
    See, I just ran into an instance (prior I thought the same way you do) where I need to do this because if I want to multicolor print using a single extruder with the old code you just can't

    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    I agree... I'm not actually going to have this active in my firmware. But some people really want it! So here it is!
    Thank you so much and I will try this in a few days as Halloween is here and I am busy busy with fixing an ancient mechanical skeleton butler/decorations and doing family things.

  5. #5
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    Now that we have this mod to save the G29 matrix for an entire print session (or longer), it is no longer necessary to add a G29 to the start gcode when slicing. However, those of us who run our printers standalone, we need another way of running the G29 when we change a setting or a glass plate. I believe that many who run their printer standalone have an LCD display on their printer. Here's what I did to add G29 to the LCD menu:

    In ultralcd.cpp, find MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_AUTO_HOME, PSTR("G28"));
    Just after it, add MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_BED_LEVEL, PSTR("G29 n5"));

    In language.h, find #define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"
    Just after it, add #define MSG_BED_LEVEL "G29 Bed Level"

    Roxy, I ran into an error adding your code:

    ConfigurationStore.cpp: In function ‘void Config_PrintSettings()’:
    ConfigurationStore.cpp:129:65: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
    plan_bed_level_matrix.debug("\n\nBed Level Correction Matrix:")
    ^ (this caret should be under the closing parenthesis after "Matrix")

    That is the only error. Commenting out only the added code block from Config_PrintSettings let it compile cleanly.
    Last edited by AbuMaia; 10-31-2014 at 10:51 PM.

  6. #6
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    I've made some changes in case someone decides to add this code to Marlin, but not enable it:

    case 28: //G28 Home all Axis one at a time
    plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data)

    #if Z_MIN_PIN == -1
    #error "You must have a Z_MIN endstop in order to enable Auto Bed Leveling feature!!! Z_MIN_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin."
    plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data)

    This way G28's original function of erasing the matrix is retained while the code is disabled, and then switched to G29 when it is enabled.

  7. #7
    No, NO, N O!!! This just means in a case like mine because I can tell you that today my matrix will look like A and tomorrow the matrix will look like C and the next day B=A+/-C so in my case I would never ever just use the same matrix all of the time. One print then another (as in my example) I might (I have not tried it yet but theoretically it should be fine) but never from one day, or even hour, to the next. Basically if the bed has had a chance to cool completely down, as well as the entire printer, forget using a previous matrix.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbuMaia View Post
    Roxy, I ran into an error adding your code:

    ConfigurationStore.cpp: In function ‘void Config_PrintSettings()’:
    ConfigurationStore.cpp:129:65: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
    plan_bed_level_matrix.debug("\n\nBed Level Correction Matrix:")
    ^ (this caret should be under the closing parenthesis after "Matrix")

    That is the only error. Commenting out only the added code block from Config_PrintSettings let it compile cleanly.
    It's fixed now. Somehow during the Cut & Paste I didn't get the very last character of the line (which was a semi-colon. The compiler knows it is missing a semi-colon, can't it just put it in there for me???

    Any way, if you go add the semi-colon it should compile clean and let you print out the Bed Level Correction Matrix. I'm not sure how the output is going to look because I can't run any of this code yet to test it.

    AbuMaia, does the code behave as expected and do what people wanted? Can you add the semi-colon and invoke the EEPROM Print so we can check if the matrix prints OK ?
    Last edited by Roxy; 11-01-2014 at 02:08 PM.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbuMaia View Post
    I've made some changes in case someone decides to add this code to Marlin, but not enable it:

    case 28: //G28 Home all Axis one at a time
    plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data)

    #if Z_MIN_PIN == -1
    #error "You must have a Z_MIN endstop in order to enable Auto Bed Leveling feature!!! Z_MIN_PIN must point to a valid hardware pin."
    plan_bed_level_matrix.set_to_identity(); //Reset the plane ("erase" all leveling data)

    This way G28's original function of erasing the matrix is retained while the code is disabled, and then switched to G29 when it is enabled.
    Yeah, I was kind of torn which way to go. Doing what you did preserves the original behavior which has merit. It might be worth a quick discussion to decide if those extra #ifdef's should be added to the first post or not. Personally... I think the correction matrix should start off at Unity and not be affected by the G28. But there is so much legacy in place now that it isn't good to change things for no reason. I decided to make the changes as minimalistic as possible (which meant not adding the extra pre-processor commands). However, with that said, nobody is going to be typing that stuff in anyway. They are going to Cut & Paste it into their source, so there isn't any extra pain involved.

    So should we alter the original post? If we do, and SAVE_G29_CORRECTION_MATRIX is not defined, everything will function the same as it used to behave.
    Last edited by Roxy; 11-01-2014 at 08:50 AM.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAlchemist View Post
    No, NO, N O!!! This just means in a case like mine because I can tell you that today my matrix will look like A and tomorrow the matrix will look like C and the next day B=A+/-C so in my case I would never ever just use the same matrix all of the time. One print then another (as in my example) I might (I have not tried it yet but theoretically it should be fine) but never from one day, or even hour, to the next. Basically if the bed has had a chance to cool completely down, as well as the entire printer, forget using a previous matrix.
    If you don't trust the mechanic's of your printer, shouldn't you be doing a G29 before every print? And if that is true, why would you add this code to your firmware?

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