[QUOTE=AbuMaia;33795]Now that we have this mod to save the G29 matrix for an entire print session (or longer), it is no longer necessary to add a G29 to the start gcode when slicing. However, those of us who run our printers standalone, we need another way of running the G29 when we change a setting or a glass plate. I believe that many who run their printer standalone have an LCD display on their printer. Here's what I did to add G29 to the LCD menu:

In ultralcd.cpp, find MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_AUTO_HOME, PSTR("G28"));
Just after it, add MENU_ITEM(gcode, MSG_BED_LEVEL, PSTR("G29 n5"));

In language.h, find #define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"
Just after it, add #define MSG_BED_LEVEL "G29 Bed Level"

I added this and it was working fine. Had a show yesterday and it didn't work anymore.
Got this message. When I do a g29 n5 in Repetier it works fine. Any ideas?
13:38:15.257 : echo:enqueing "G29 n5"
13:38:15.267 : ?Number of probed points not plausable.