Quote Originally Posted by Fri View Post
I tried this and was not too successful. I will try again when I get more time.
Now, how do I revert the eeprom back to where it was. I don't seem to be able to remove the ABL matrix from it. I flashed the firmware ( with and without eeprom enabled, but both without the code above). I tried M502 then M500, I also tried M500.
You would need to have a version of the firmware that is not trying to save the Auto Bed Level Correction Matrix to the EEPROM. And then you could restore the default settings and save them. That would do it. Or you could change the version number of the EEPROM format at the top of ConfigurationStore.cpp so it doesn't trust the information in the EEPROM.

Alternatively... Add the M499 command to invalidate the EEPROM. It changes the EEPROM format version so the values won't be loaded until you do another save of the values to the EEPROM.

It can be found here: http://3dprintboard.com/showthread.p...4294#post34294