I've installed both the firmware update and the desktop update. A couple cosmetic grumps.

1) When Unload is clicked one goes through the familiar heating and extruder "bumping" process but now there is no "Safe to remove the filament" message. A blinking red hand comes up during the "bumping" but after "bumping" is done the window goes back to the initial Load/Unload screen. One assumes that this means it is safe to remove the filament at this point but who knows?

2) I always load an .stl file named output.stl. I run a program that generates the file but the desktop seems to remember the first load of the file and always puts it on the platform rather than the new version of the file. This means I have to constantly give the file a new name before I do an Add File so that the desktop will grab the latest version of my model. I know somebody thought this was a smart convenience but it, from my point of view at least, isn't.

Why in the world Makerbot keeps making gratuitous changes in the desktop is beyond me. Nothing seems to settle down and in fact things get more confusing.

Cheers, Scott