Another update. Ran some parts this morning at the same 60/80 speeds. Everything I've been printing lately is pieces of the triceratops skeleton puzzle from thingiverse so while each print is technically different pieces, the pieces themselves are not much different from print to print. I started printing these things at .1mm layer height. Upped that to .15mm with no appreciable difference in quality/drafting/bulging. Dropped speeds down to 60/80 at the same .15mm height and the draft was replaced with the bulge. Ran some parts this morning at .2mm and 60/80, behold the return of the draft but only in some areas this time. Even on the same piece some edges are angled and others are not. Also, the edge finish and top layer smoothness was hugely improved over the .1 and .15 prints. Just finishing a print now at .2 60/80 with NO RAFT (every other print up to now I have used a raft). No draft, no bulge, great edge finish, and while it's not quite done yet, the top layer finish looks to be coming out quite nicely.

At this point I have two theories about what's happening.

1) The code being generated for the rafts is in some way corrupt. Either the code is being generated with errors or the profile settings are wrong (I don't yet know enough to start screwing with a custom profile)

2) The raft is shrinking while the first few layers are being printed which is drawing those layers in, causing them to be smaller than subsequent layers. Once the print reaches the 2-2.5mm height the shrinkage is either done, or the part has gotten strong enough to withstand the forces being applied to it.

I'm less inclined to believe that the issue is from raft shrinkage because it would seem that larger prints should be less prone to this effect since there is more time between layers for things to cool but the drafting (until this morning anyway) has been consistent in height and angle (at least by eye) regardless of the size of the part.