I'm suddenly having some difficulty with sections of my first layer "bubbling." (see attached photo) At first I thought it was a bed leveling issue, but I dialed it down to the point where the nozzle was starting to gouge the blue tape and the same problem results. It never seems to be in the same spot either. If the bubbling is minimal, the rest of the layers and model print perfectly. If this was something I was printing for myself I wouldn't care, but I sell these and to have the bottom looking all scratched up and gouged (which is what the bubbling looks like from underneath) is going to cause customer complaints. Below are my settings, which haven't failed me until now -

Software - Simplify3D
Filament - PLA 1.75 mm
Temp - 205, bed at 50
Surface - Blue tape on glass
First layer - 250% height, 30% speed (normal print speed is around 55 mm/sec)

Given that this doesn't seem to be a bed leveling issue, the only thing I can think of is I've got a weird batch of PLA or a "bad" roll of blue tape. Any other ideas?