I am still not in a position to evaluate the Bulldog XL. I got another MakerFarm in December but putting it together is not moving quickly. I did design and print a carrier for the Bulldog XL, but the rest of the printer is not together enough to test. It might be a few more months also, as I am purposely doing this build slow to incorporate various ideas.

However, I have been using the Bulldog Lite with an E3d and it is a super combination. I think in 5 months now I have had two jambs. Both were my fault. Otherwise, this thing just chugs along doing a great job.

Both Bulldogs are direct drive. The XL is geared. Using the Lite with 1.75 mm filament, the only time the filament feed stalls on the feed gear is when I either have the heat too low or repeated retraction with very little feed on a small part is occurring (this is a more common issue). I have experimented with settings and have gotten much better at finding the sweet spot for various parts.

Again, sorry I have not made enough progress with the Bulldog XL yet to report.