Robb and I both have experience in the commercial, industrial, and nuclear engineering field with 3D modeling. We also did quite a bit of prototyping for our machine design which required 3d modeling and printing of technical and mechanical parts. I have also done some pretty intricate jewelry designs for clients. So to answer your question we pretty will target anyone, even outside 3D printing. But as I am sure you know, 3D modeling for 3D printing is specific and has its own set of guidelines to follow.

I appreciate the honesty Geoff but we like the AR logo. It fits our personality of who we are. But the ACADIAN ROBOTICS font on the webpage needs some creative touch. I just have not had the time to redo it. If you want to do it by all means I will like to see what you can do.

This is just a quick example of a jewelry design. I was not given any dimensions but just a pic and said, "Can you do this"? And of course my answer is always, "Yes".