I beg to differ on gaskets. I had PLA leakage issues with my Budaschnozzle. It was difficult to get it sealing with teflon tape. PLA would slowly leak up the threads of the nozzle and the heater block then eventually drip onto the print. I found myself periodically wiping liquid PLA off the top of the heater block. My eventual fix was to install a small copper washer to seal between the end of the threaded tube and the inside flat face of the nozzle. The copper washer was annealed first by heating to red hot and cooling. I also filed 7.5mm square flats on the thread just above the heater block so I could get a thin spanner onto the threaded rod and really crank the nozzle on with a 13mm spanner. You can see the flats and the thin spanner I use in the photo. The copper washer has totally solved the PLA leakage issue. I also fitted the nozzle with some teflon tape to make it easier to remove but so far I have not had to. I am into classic and vintage cars and have always used annealed copper washers to seal sump plugs.