Lets look at the next 3 years according to this post:

2014: The 3D Printing Market will continue to expand. Consumer printers sold will increase by 55% over the previous year
2014: Expiration of Key 3D Printer Patents will open up the industry to competition, decreasing prices dramatically, especially for top end machines.

2015:Organova has changed the way drug discovery and testing is done. Sales of 3d printed human cells for testing are skyrocketing.

2016: 3D Printers enter the mainstream. 90% of the population will know what a 3D Printer is, and Sales of consumer oriented printers will have increase 8-10 times since 2013

2017: The first fully functioning 3D Printed Mouse liver will have been produced.
2017: Gartner has estimated that the 3D Printing market will have grown close to 2000% by now.
In my opinion all these will be fact. We have already seen some nice price drops this year, and all indications are that the market will grow more than expected.