Quote Originally Posted by EnderShadowkin View Post
So I maybe an idiot . . . But...I got the thing assembled. Powered up. Green Lights are go. But How do I use it? It didn't come with any software. Cant find anything to down load. I watched a youtube video about drivers and it looks like they have some software package that I never got or cant find....Is there some guide on how I can test and print something somewhere?
Actually, 99% of printers use open source softwares.

I installed SLIC3R, REPETIER-HOST and CURA, 3 softwares to manage prints and slicing.
I find that REPETIER is great when using the CURA slicer.

Glad to hear you didn't have problems with your package... I ordered a OneUp a couple weeks ago and am scared of what I will find in the package... I see many people with bad experiences.