Did it work previously work S3D?

1) Check if you are using the right temperature identifier (I see you are using T2 HBP, but I am using T0 HBP)
2) Check if you didn't change anything weird in the Starting G-Code:
; **** Replicator 1 dual start.gcode ****M73 P0 ; enable build progress
G162 X Y F3000 ; home XY maximum
G161 Z F1200 ; home Z minimum
G92 Z-5 ; set Z to -5
G1 Z0 ; move Z to 0
G161 Z F100 ; home Z slowly
M132 X Y Z A B ; recall home offsets
M135 T0 ; load right extruder offsets
G1 X-120 Y-70 Z30 F9000 ; move to wait position off table
G130 X20 Y20 Z20 A20 B20 ; lower stepper Vrefs while heating
M126 S[fan_speed_pwm]
M140 S[bed0_temperature] T0
M134 T0 ; stabilize bed temperature
M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0
M133 T0 ; stabilize extruder temperature
G130 X127 Y127 Z40 A127 B127 ; default stepper Vrefs
G92 A0 B0 ; zero extruders
G1 Z0.4 ; position nozzle
G1 X-115 Y-65 Z0.15 F1200 ; slow wipe
G1 X-110 Y-60 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift
G92 A0 B0 ; zero extruders
M73 P1 ;@body (notify GPX body has started)
; **** end of start.gcode ****
(Here you can also see it uses T0 as temperature identifier for the HBP.)
3) Check heated bed. Use other software (Makerware) - maybe it's broken? but I'm assuming that you accidentally clicked the wrong temperature identifier