#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {98.98, 98.98, 4007.32, 700} // default steps per unit for ultimaker
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 5, 45} // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {9000,9000,100,10000} // X, Y, Z, E maximum start speed for accelerated moves. E default values are good for skeinforge 40+, for older versions raise them a lot.

copied/pasted direct from arduino app and is current, when i measure 100mm command send from pronterface it measures out to 100.02mm which is quite good.

printbus: i think the allthread is one of the weakest links in the chain have been giving thought to upgrading them to direct drive acme screws like the ones used in the davinci xyz (dad has one) so far ive replaced bed rods and bearings (went through 36 linear bearings to find 3 that had no wobble) 2 stop switches, and various other hardware. to be honest, the drill rod stock shipped with the unit is not what a drill maker would consider first quality and are probably seconds as i found variations throughout the length of the rods.. the endstop switches were rather junky (replaced with 69 cent bulk ones)
as far as the ramps chips i have been thinking about swapping out the stock chip for the higher current one just to be safe, it is running 2 steppers on the same chip as the others that are running 1.

mjoliner: used this http://youtu.be/wAL9d7FgInk as my guide for calibration and that calibration took me from rather poor prints to rather nice prints with sprinter firmware.

as for now im going to crank out 2 consecutive 20mm cubes just to verify consistency and i have one i printed with the exact same filament before the firmware change ill post a pic of all 3 when done
thanks guys