Been playing around with my MOD-t for a week now and I'm absolutely in love. It's my first foray into 3D printing and it's left a great impression; the thrill of turning .stls into tangible objects is an excellent experience. The brown-sugary smell of it printing is a welcome plus.

Mostly, I've been satisfied with the prints themselves. The test print and the duck from the store came out flawlessly. The phone stand printed well, but has a glob near one of the cosmetic holes in the back part.

Problems arose when I tried to do custom prints from things I've downloaded form Thingiverse. I tried the iPhone 6 + Watch stand combo, and while the print completed, halfway through the print translated back and to the right. It makes for cool glitch art, but sadly things like "being able to feed a charger in from beneath" and "using the speaker amplification area" are disabled. Twice when I tried to print the articulated octopus, once for the head and once for a set of the joints, the filament broke and stopped feeding into it, resulting in two bad prints. Eventually I got them to print with great detail, but sadly they don't join together. I think that's more of a PLA vs. ABS problem than it is a MOD-t problem.

The last concerns I have is that it frequently shows up as being disconnected, which results in me having to go power cycle it so it's picked up by the site when I try to print. I can't get the offline printer utility to find the printer either, despite it getting picked up by the store in my web browser. It also gives no indication of how long a print has left to complete, a feature I expected since it gave an estimate during the test print.

Overall though, I'm happy with my purchase and with the promise of continued firmware support, I'm very excited to see how my clean little cube comes along in reliability and print quality! It'd be nice to have an official announcement page to obsessively check for when firmware updates go live.