Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
Well... The Marlin code base is frozen right now... So this fork is pretty current. And those extra corrections mostly raised the nozzle a small amount. So I suspect this patch is going to help. Also, it isn't going to be hard to identify and pull out any extra raise of the nozzle if it bothers you! Other than I keep getting distracted (OpenJScad now!!!) it shouldn't be a big a deal to check out DACB's fork with this change. I just haven't done it yet.
I started with https://github.com/beckdac/Marlin.git from commit 6de51c0 and added the change.

What it did for me was after a G28 it was at the correct height and not 4mm too high like it was before the change. It also let me turn off Z_SAFE_HOME and the Y Axis would no longer move during the initial Z raise. Before the change it would move Y 10mm due to the home_retract_mm setting for Y set to 5mm.

I have printed by doing just a G28 after power up and it printed fine. I also printed doing a G28 then G29 and it printed fine.

I put in a pull request to the above version so the change can be grabbed from the request if needed. Hopefully it works for everyone and can get added in.