Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
yes you can increase it on your own. Without rebuilding anything or changing your motherboard. Sometimes geoff overlooks the easy - ducttape world - option because the hard option is easy for him :-)

Bear in mind that the whole width of the of the machine is not used because the specs are given so that both heads can reach everywhere on the build plate.

All you need to do is drop a wider plate (3mm glass or aluminium would be fine) onto the existing one and use a cold bed plastic like nylon, pet, pla etc. you can then use the right head to just print stuff on the right and the left head to print on the left.
I haven't measured it but I reckon another 5-6 inches of width would be easily achievable.
Not sure if it'll print with more depth. But you could probably squeeze a bit more depth out if you wanted to.
Easy way to check is to move the printhead as far forward as it'll go and see if it's gone past the end of the printbed, if it does then there's your extra print depth :-)

That's the easy bit. The hard bit is getting the software to use the new width of the build plate.
I suspect you'd need to start using a fullly compatible 3rd party software like simplify 3d. Not sure if makerware or repg will let you designate a larger printing area.

Proftweak might.
Hi can someone help me understand where a 5-6" expansion is possible?
If I want to print only the right nozzle I can expand the bed and gain the width of the nozzle separation about 1.5 inches on the right side. I can't move the x-stop since itrs close to the y rail.
On the left side I can gain 1.5" if I only use the left nozzle. I can't move the stop as it is close to the wall.
So, if I want to gain three inches I would have to split my model into two and have the same filament on each extruder. Seems hardly worth it. If I need extra width it is easier to print twice and glue.