Hi BakerEvan,

I've been very happy with how my PLA prints. I get the typical very fine spider webs between some moves, but I have an "Out-of-the-box" machine and can't make adjustments for retract speed or even nozzle temperature in order to reduce it (if that's possible). Most of the PLA prints I've seen have some degree of this however, so I think it's pretty normal. Here are a couple photos of an extruder cover I printed for my Afinia machine. I thought it came out pretty nice! I love the brilliant translucent colors you get with PLA. I'm working on a green christmas tree ornament right now that I plan to put lights inside and make it glow.

The PLA prints well at 200C, but it may print a little cooler than that too.

Give it a try...I offer free return shipping if you're not happy with it.