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  1. #1

    The first layer of my design

    I have had quite a few problems with the Ultimaker printing the first layer of my design. Firstly I experienced some warping on the first layer which I managed to remove by recalibrating the board several times. The printer is now printing very strange patterns as half of the design has air gaps in and half doesn't, this is beginning to cause an unstructured design, I have supplied a photo which will show clearly what I mean. Any ideas on what it could be would be greatly appreciated?

    I have recalibrated the machine, I have wiped down the machine, I have made sure that everything has the right settings. I was also wondering if it could be cura, as that is what I am using?

    I have also included a brim, to reduce the warping.

    I am using PLA filament.

    Problem in design.jpg

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Hmm, have you measured the filament diameter ?

    Sounds like it's not a consistent diameter and it's not feeding the same amount of plastic all the time. I've had similiar issues - mainly when the filament gets stuck behind the reel. But varying diameter would also cause the same issue.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    NSW, Australia
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidminn_30 View Post
    I have had quite a few problems with the Ultimaker printing the first layer of my design. Firstly I experienced some warping on the first layer which I managed to remove by recalibrating the board several times. The printer is now printing very strange patterns as half of the design has air gaps in and half doesn't, this is beginning to cause an unstructured design, I have supplied a photo which will show clearly what I mean. Any ideas on what it could be would be greatly appreciated?

    I have recalibrated the machine, I have wiped down the machine, I have made sure that everything has the right settings. I was also wondering if it could be cura, as that is what I am using?

    I have also included a brim, to reduce the warping.

    I am using PLA filament.

    Problem in design.jpg
    Your print bed is not level, thats the only problem I see there.

    See how some lines are closer together than others? part of your plate is closer to the nozzle when it's printing, but I have to say that is a slightly wierd first layer, the way you have a concentric layer mixed with a linear.. it's like it's printing 50 shells?

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