I am, like probably many before, frasturated. At this point I can't get a single print done due to curling and sometimes bad bed adhesion. Most common suggestion for bed adhesion is to use an adhesive like regular glue stick. I didn't want to mess with the surface of the bed since I believe adhesion is enough as long as nozzle doesn't hit the part where it curls. I could not find any solution to this, not for PLA, not for ABS, not for anything. I believe my bed leveling is as good as it gets since I observe pretty consistent first layer and brim. They always look evenly layed out and no apparent defects. It was suggested that more cooling is needed to avoid curling, so I wanted to print a new cooling duct for my sprite pro but even that failed. I could not even get to half of a 1 hour print... I am using a Creality CR-10 Smart Pro and I have about 6 months of experince however, I did get perfect prints with PLA and ABS before. So perfect infact that parts were good enough for prototyping for an electric race car. I know the printer can get very good prints done and do so consistently however I'm getting something wrong or something else. Are there any suggestions for curling? I need some help desperately.Thank you in advance.