You'd do better in these days to stay away from the bed slingers. It doesn't matter which firmware you run today Klipper or Marlin they both support input shaper and tuning X and Y resonance with an adxl sensor. Doing this greatly increases the quality of our prints however it can be done with a varying load being applied to Y.

If you are already toying with the idea of a larger format printer you should consider a coreXY printer. Where the bed can stay stationary or just be on Z. I have a reworked TronXY X5SA 500 Pro that has an actual build volume of 500x500x600. This printer has a 0.8mm nozzle and prints with 0.6mm layer heights. It makes the big things in a good amount of time and without shaking the printer apart..

There is also a bigger version available with 600x600x600 build volume. The link to that one is here: Tronxy VEHO 600 Large 3D Printer Kit Direct Drive Beginner 3D Printer –

Here is a link to the 600x600x600 printer with dual extruders: Tronxy VEHO 600 2E Multicolor 2-In-1-Out Dual Extruder Large Size Dire –

If you still want more there is a TronXY that will let you build up to 800x800x800 here: Tronxy VEHO 800 / VEHO 1000 Large Scale 3D Printer Big Format Direct D –

And if you want it all there is a dual extruder version of the 800 printer here: Tronxy VEHO 800 2E / VEHO 100 2E Large Scale 3D Printer Multi Color Bi –

The great thing about these printers is despite the problems they come with a lot of people convert them to VZBot or Voron or they custom modify them as I have.