personally I really can't stand cura - though as roberts_cliff says, the older version wa smuch easier to use.

I use simplify3d for almost all my slicing.
I think it's still worth buying, if you're not strapped for cash, though I bought it about 8 years ago, and things have come a long way since then.
I absolutely do not regret buying it.

I also use flashprint for my replicator pro.

But if i werent using simplify3d I would probably use prusaslicer - NOT cura.

I just never gelled with cura.

As an addendum.
It is looking increasingly like simplify3d is dead in the water and the company has either wound up or is in a prolonged death rattle.

That said. Cura has just introduced a thing called arachne, that lets it extrude different width beads from a single nozzle diameter.

Simplify3d has had this feature for several years - so i reckon I'm still ahead of the curve :-)

But, yeah if i were a new printer owner I would most likely use prusaslicer - and flashprint, if you have a replicator clone :-)