yeah my build plate is also textured.
I think it makes the problem worse.

But I'm guessing you;re on a similiar calibration process to my proxima.

loosen a couple bolts and lower the bed till a sheet of paper just fits between the bed and the film.

I'm thinking I either need to use thicker paper or not apply as much downward force to the papewr as I do.

The odd occasion things stick to the plate and not the fep - (first layer detail aside) the prints have been nothing short of mindblowing.

But As i wanted it primarily for very detailed prints with complex first layers.
I have no real incentive to sort it out.

Let alone work out what the hell you do with a vat of old resin.
Can't pour it anywhere it's exceptionally toxic.

My current thinking is to get a small lidded bucket and when i pour away any waste resin, put my uv spotlight on it until it's set and less toxic.

Even though I went into resin printing with eyes wide open, I never envisaged just how much of a pita it is when you get a failed print.
Somehow tht aspect never comes up on youtube videos....

I mean one moving part - what could go wrong, right ?