Well the TronXY X5sa 400 can be had for less. In the price range of the links you provided. I am not saying at all that TronXY is the best printer or what you should go after but I do think if you are looking to print big things you should consider a printer with a stationary bed or a bed that only raises or lowers but does not induce inertia. This is a fundamental choice that will limit your ability to print large things within any kind of a reasonable time frame. The more weight gets on the moving bed to more things need to slow down as the build height increases and the weight we are slinging back and forth gets further and further above the build plate. With a coreXY style printer we only need to brace the frame and do not have to worry so much about what or how much is on the build plate.

With small lightweight pieces this doesn't matter so much and so for a smaller build volume printer to make small parts with an i3 style cartesian robot would do just fine. But for making the bigger parts what about this: Tronxy X5SA-400 PRO New Version with TR Sensor+Lattice Glass Plate – Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store .

And then later on you can figure out how to turn it into the Voron 2.4 or the VZbot or make it your own as I did. But that is down the road and after you have 2 printers up and going. But again the self replicating feature of these printers is a great place to practice and hone prototyping skills with a 3d printer.