This thread is a bit on the quiet side. I'd hoped for more activity, especially from Sintratec owners. I'd received mine from the pre-order option after the campaign ended, and only this week have started to build it.

The instructions are indeed well written, but with a serious omission, in my opinion. As an example, assembling the door requires one to bolt together four extrusions using some well designed fittings. The first pages of the instructions show that clearly. What it doesn't show, and should show, is the need to slide in the internal nuts at that time. In two later locations in the same section (door build), it becomes necessary to disassemble the previous structure.

If the drawings had listed the increased part count and placed them appropriately, it would have reduced my build time substantially. Of course, now that I'm aware of this nuance, I will keep my eyes open for the future segments of construction.

Perusing the second segment manual, I see exactly the same thing. Assemble the base frame, then have to take it apart to slide in the nuts. I'll avoid that by making pencil marks in the manual after I print it out, to ensure I won't go through this again.

Are there other forums for this printer and its users?