hmm - give us a ball park set of figures.

ie: max budget and min budget.

'cos off tyhe top of my head the best printer I've ever seen was a metal printer that comes in at nearly a million pounds :-)

If we're just talking desk top.

Then it's the stratasys j55 - A mere £60,000 but capable of producing models that don't need post processing in 5 meterials and full colour in one printing process !
Had i won the last euro lottery - I'd already have one on order lol

It really is as good as they say it is - but the materials cost, that's why you need the massive lottery win.
You won't be running this sucker on a mere million win that's for sure :-)

As far as the best budget printer in the uk.
have to think aboutt that one - that's a lot tougher :-)

haven't had alook around for a few weeks - and things change almost every day.