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  1. #1

    XYZ Davinci Issues

    Hello, First post here, trying to get some info on an xyz davinci 1.0 which is causing me no end of headaches. The latest one is that it thinks the top door is open all the time. This is after I tried using 3rd party filament in it, which having looked online I found someone else had the same issue, so I'm wondering if it's a software thing rather than a faulty switch? Anyway before I realised this, I went and cut the wires to the switch, hoping to bypass it, however after I cut them (they were behind a plastic cover) and brought them into the open I found I had gone through three wires, not 2 like I was expecting. I've since verified that they all go to the switch. I've tested them and I can see there is one 5V feed, one earth (NOT ground, I'm from England), and a third wire which doesn't seem to have any current through it. I believe I've tried every possible combination of connections but it still thinks the top door is open. So, in summary - how should the wires be connected when the lid is shut? Once I know this I'll connect them up, bypassing the switch. Then, assuming that doesn't solve the error (don't think it will as I've already tried every combination) what is causing the top door open error? Does it need a new firmware? Thanks in advance! Fred P.S. This is just the latest in a long line of issues I've been having. I'm considering swapping the whole board out for a RAMPS conversion, but trying to avoid that if I can help it.
    Last edited by -fred-; 02-01-2022 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    With three wires going to the switch, it's not out of the question that the machine checks to ensure if the door is open that it is not closed and vice versa. It could be checking both states of the switch. Have you confirmed that the switch wiring is properly engaged with the main board?

  3. #3
    Right I've had a change of plan on this, decided to flash it with repetier. I assume the repetier firmware won't even look at what the switch is doing so it doesn't matter what state it's in, is that right?

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I don't have an answer for that, but I suspect if it does, you will find it easier to disable.

  5. #5
    Thanks, yes I would have thought so too. I'm struggling to get Arduino to connect to the DUE board in the XYZ but that's a separate problem for a separate forum...already asked about that on the Arduino forum so we'll see what happens. Hopefully I won't have any more issues once that's sorted so that should be the end of this thread

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