I tend to find amazon one star reviews are pretty much from people who have cocked it up themselves.
Or have absolutely no clue what they've bought or thought someone was going to leap out of the computer and do it all for them.
I mean they're probably not all total idiots, but a lot definitely are ;-)

Prusa beds are flat - never heard otherwise.
What i mean is that the basic prusa i3 has changed very little from the mk1. The current mk3s still uses the same 8 bit rambo board. But they have upgraded the stepper drivers to add the extra functions across the model 'evolution'.
And various minor tweaks to the printed parts.

Assume you are buying a kit of parts - the tenlog wins on pretty much every count.

Also assume that any problems you have will need to be fixed by you.
At the end of the day most people won't be shipping a machine back - if you would like a masterclass in how to send printers back.
Talk to bikeracer2000. He's the forum expert on it.
But generally he's buying the mid range machines and a lot of what you're paying for there is customer service.,

Pretty much all budget printers will have their own niggles.
At the end of the day you're buying a precision plastics factory for a few hundred bucks.

Even my sapphire pro has a couple niggles. The firmware has very odd pid control, but easy enough to work round.

Yes there are a few different models of the tenlog.

You want the one I linked to, it has the 600w power supply, hi temp extruder and a few other little little upgrades the next one down doesn't have.

Also bear in mind that if you buy it from amazon and it doesn't work - it's really simple to send it back.

But it does largely depend what you want to print.

An 0.25mm nozzle and tiny layer is definitely NOT the way to go.
Talk about making a rod for your own back, as well as waiting weeks for anything to print.

If that kind of thing matters to you - go resin. No ifs no buts, that's really what you want.

Resin costs have come right down and there are now plenty brands offering tougher resins and reduced odour resins.
There are even water washable resins if you don't have anywhere to store a vat of uisopropyl alcohol.

Also print volumes have risen.

pretty good place to start.

If you just want to wet your feet then this is about the best starter unit on the market:

Also for hi resolution prints resin machines are a LOT faster.
Each layer is done in around 8 seconds. No matter how large the model or how full the print bed - each layer always takes the same length of time.

On an fdm printer with a 0.25mm nozzle even a smallish model could take 20 to 30 minutes a layer.

What is it you're thinking of printign that needs to be so smooth ?