Hey, how was the response on this? What was your decision?

Quote Originally Posted by Dargonfly View Post
Hello 3dprintboard, I've been lurking this board for quite some time and finally decided to bother you with this age-old question:
"Which 3D printer is the best for me?"
I design figurines; highly detailed plastic models that are approx. 15cm/6inch tall.

I have seen many people make these kind of products with 3D printers, I know about the options of vapor bathing ABS and of course spray filler and a lot of sanding for a smooth final surface. But this still requires the printer to create high detail with as much accuracy as possible.
I understand that the quality of the print is dependable on a lot of factors including experience of the end-user, but I am willing to keep testing other settings and even willing to mod/hack the printer myself.
So, for the first (and foremost) requirement:
#1 Highest possible detail & accuracy print (!at all costs!)

Since I want to have good quality models that can withstand falling, heat, and the strong grip of many people that will touch it it has to print ABS. But I also want to experiment with other materials, and some parts will probably work better in other materials:
#2 Print different materials including ABS

I mentioned that the figures will be 15cm/6inch so it would be great to print that in one go. But sometimes parts need to be split up anyway and glued together later on (to prevent large amounts of supports)
#3 Large building platform is preferred, but not required

I don't care how long a build takes. If it takes four complete days to print something that is fine by me. As long as the quality is the most perfect quality it can be! (Because having a non-perfect models means I need to spend all that extra time on post-processing the print.)
#4 Print time/speed is irrelevant. Quality >>>>> speed

Also, because there is a large community for some printers, but not for others, I prefer to have access to a large community that can potentially help me when the printer has issues. Also, I will be able to give something back to that community. Open source allows for greater communities since multiple printers use the same technology/software/parts.
#5 Open source software/hardware/filament is preferred, but not required

I don't have infinite money, so the max price is €3000 or $3000 (will be approx. same as €3000 with shipping and tax.)
If it is better to have different printer for different materials and they still fit in the price range that is fine too (I have infinite space) - though they have to excel in the material they print in detail & accuracy.
This price is including all the hacks/mods that will need to be done to get the most perfect quality prints. Also; I don't mind spending €1000 more for just a tiny increase in quality.

Now, I have already done some homework, so here are all the printers that I'm keeping watch on. If you can tell me anything about one of these printers or show me the quality they can produce; please do. If one of these printers shouldn't be on my watch-list please tell me why. If another printer should be added to the list please tell my why.
(I'm not interested in kickstarter/non-existing printers - I plan to have a printer in my house before the end of this year.)

Figurine printer watch-list:

Saw some good quality prints coming from these.

This one is on the list as a Makerbot variant.

Can't remember why this one was on the list.

Saw some good quality prints coming from these, but also really bad ones. I'm from the Netherlands, so these guys are close by - good for support and such.

This one seems to do superb quality prints AND has a large build volume... but I don't completely believe fairy tales. Need more proof.

Dual extrusion won't be used by me except for using the different heads for different materials. But not mixing materials in a single model... (probably)

Again; seems to produce superb qualities but need more proof.

A nice image of a print was provided by Trhuster

Have seen good quality figurines come from these.

Please enlighten my with all your knowledge, I will watch this thread closely and give more information if required.
Also, I will keep searching myself and update as soon as I have more answers.
Thanks in advance!